YLEM Energy launches new peer-to-peer renewable energy trading platform

18 April, 23
YLEM Energy, a leading provider of sustainable energy generation solutions has announced the launch of YLEM Energy Xchange.

YLEM Energy, a leading provider of sustainable energy generation solutions has announced the launch of YLEM Energy Xchange. A new platform that allows businesses to generate renewable energy onsite, and export the excess through the National Grid, reducing their onsite energy costs.

YLEM Energy Xchange maximises businesses’ roof and ground space by installing onsite generation solutions, such as solar PV and other forms of energy generation suitable to meet businesses’ needs and produce more power than the site needs.

The excess power generated can be transferred to another warehouse within the company’s portfolio, enabling it to maximise its consumption of renewable energy whilst avoiding certain grid related charges. If the business is unable to use the energy at another site, YLEM will sell that energy, which in turn reduces the price the company pays for its onsite energy consumption.

A typical large UK warehouse, with a 19,000 square meter roof has the potential to provide 2,900,000 kWh of clean energy per year, the typical energy demand for such a facility is just 300,000 kWh.

Producing that amount of energy and enabling YLEM Energy to manage the excess would reduce onsite delivered energy bills to zero and save 310 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year.

Commenting on the launch of YLEM Energy Xchange Ian Gadsby, Managing Director of YLEM Energy said: “With electricity bills rising by over 66% in the 12 months to February 2023[1] and the drive to meet Net Zero, many warehouse owners have been looking at ways to tackle both issues with one solution.”

“YLEM Energy Xchange allows producers to tackle these issues head on. By generating clean, affordable energy on site, businesses can take control of their energy supply and know they are reducing their carbon footprint in the process.”

Ian added: “Alongside lower cost energy prices, YLEM Energy Xchange also reduces businesses reliance on the National Grid, reducing the high grid charges that would normally be levied by a traditional energy supplier.”

The platform utilises blockchain technology, ensuring a full audit of trail of where, when and how the energy was produced, and when it was used, giving business full transparency about the renewable energy they are producing and using.

To learn more about Ylem Energy Xchange and how it can benefit your business, visit www.ylemenergy.com/solutions/ylem-energy-xchange.

[1] https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/inflationandpriceindices/articles/costoflivinginsights/energy#:~:text=Electricity%20prices%20in%20the%20UK,of%20the%20annual%20inflation%20rate.

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