UK’s only local authority Net Zero network welcomes oil and gas windfall tax u-turn but urges long-term support to lower energy bills

26 May, 22

Responding to the news that the UK Government has u-turned on its refusal to impose a windfall tax on oil and gas firms, Polly Billington, Chief Executive of UK100, says:

“Struggling families desperately need support as the energy price crisis continues to bite, especially with the news that prices will rise again in the autumn. And communities up and down the country overwhelmingly support a windfall tax on excessive fossil fuel profits. Commentators can be too quick to criticise u-turns, but we should welcome leaders who can make the right decision — no matter how they get there.”

UK100 is the UK’s only network of local authorities, representing almost 40 million people, committed to reaching Net Zero as soon as possible, but no later than 2045 — five years ahead of the national target.

At the flagship UK100 local Net Zero conference last summer, local leaders and metro mayors from across the UK came together to call on the Government to implement a long term plan to support local authorities to decarbonise homes across the country. Polly adds:

“But, this one-off tax is a sticking plaster. Prices will rise again in the autumn, and, by all accounts, high gas prices will be with us for years, not months. To avoid throwing good money after bad, the Government needs to support people to lower their bills in the long term. That means doubling down on renewable energy ambitions and being open to changing its mind on onshore wind. It also means boosting support for a nationwide, locally-led programme to upgrade our draughty homes while accelerating the transition from expensive gas boilers to clean heating. Not only will this help bring down household energy bills, but it will also drive progress toward our Net Zero targets.”

“The cheapest and cleanest energy is the energy we don’t use.”

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